I. Outline of Book II
A. Geography
1. island;crescent shape; harbor; ideal geography--like England?
2. rocks in middle of opening form natural protection; military advantage first
3. conquered by Utopos; he undertook engineering project to separate it from the mainland
4. 54 towns built on same plan; planned distance apart--one day's walk
5. Aircastle is capital and seat of govt; no rivalry between townships
B. Country
1. everybody has 2 yr. stint in ag. labor on rotating basis
2. 71.industrial agriculture--heated henhouse
3. labor distribution dispatched
C. Town--all same
1. river runs through; fortification; internal water supply
2. houses allocated by lot--changed every ten years
3. street long coop gardens are scene of some of the only competition
4. houses very old; solid; much glass
5. Historical records back to the conquest
D. Government: a Democracy--classless society, with exceptions
1. thirty-household groups; each elects Styward; Bencheater for each ten Stywards=District Controller
2. Bencheaters elect mayor
3. capital crime to discuss issues outside of council--multiple safeguards against govt corruption by self interest and vanity
E. Working conditions
1. everybody farms
2. each learns trade--men and women
3. everyone wears same clothes; no fashion; keep repairing them--no vain display
4. more than one trade possible to learn
5. "chief business of Stywards...is to see that nobody sits around doing nothing."--guard against the 7 deadly sins
6. only six hour work day
7. if everybody, including women work productively this much, there's plenty of leisure--critique point
a. no non-essential trades
8. leisure: education, lectures, games, battle of virtues and vices
9. intellectual class--selected by priests and Stywards--source of all diplomates, preistes and Bencheaters recruited; also mayors--less than democratic--an oligarchy
10. Standardized houses and clothing to discourage individualistic, proud display
11. single piece of new clothing every two years
12. purpose of economy to create leisure
F. population held steady; surplus transferred as colonies [Greek]
1. Imperialism justified--typical arg. from "natural rights."
G. Social Arrangements
1. patriarchal household=family; bride joins husbands; husband remains under control of father
2. wives subord. to husband
3. honor system in regard to goods and tools
a. no living creature is naturally greedy--except from fear of want, or vanity--idea that more possessions makes you better