Narrator: Now you may ask why you are here, how you got here, why you are sitting in this classroom right now without a perfect A on your report card, why there is war, why there is so much competition, why, why, why. Not all of these questions can be cleared up, but we can start with how you got here. Let me preface this story by telling you that two people, Adam and Eve, made a decision that has shaped the way you and I live today. However, they were just a part of a plan to make our world how it is now, far from perfect and fair; not GodÕs plan, but that of SatanÕs, who is deemed to be the root of all evil in humankind. The world changed in the blink of an eye, in a bite of an apple, and it will never be the same.
God: Creation. That is my next task. I want to create a perfect world on which life lives. But, how do I do this? Well, lets start with light and dark. The sun can produce the light while at night it can take a rest and the moon can come out. Now, I think there should be a beautiful vast blue surface that is, well wet, and then a surface that is, dry. We can call this, water! And land. Hmmm, and what about some greenery, and flowersÉbeautiful flowers of all different shapes, and colors, and names. These can be plants, and trees and can produce food for those in this world, such as the animals! Yes, animals, creatures, that can enjoy the earth and the bounty it provides. Fish in the sea, birds in the sky, and four legged creatures running around on the ground. However, while the animals will roam the earth, I want there to be someone who can enjoy my creation. Someone, like, Adam! Yes I will make a man and name him Adam. He will love my creation and live through me. He is just what the world needs.
Narrator: With a little magic and a lot time, the world was created so perfectly in GodÕs eyes through his only son who he sent down to do his work. And now, with Adam ready to enjoy the bounty, God was ready to sit back and rest for a while. However, while Adam appreciated everything God gave to him, he wanted a partner, a friend, a lover, who he could spend his time with for the rest of his days.
Adam: Hello? Hello? Is any one out there?
God: Yes my son, it is I God, what can I do for you?
Adam: Well, I mean nothing really. The earth is beautiful, the animals are so kind, the water is cool, and the fruit is delicious. I can run around and jump and play, and sleep at night to prepare for the next day!
God: Yes, I understand. So what is the matter?
Adam: Well I would love someone to share this all with. I mean I donÕt mind being here alone, it would just be lovely to have someone to keep company with.
God: I see. Well, if this is really what you want.
Adam: Yes it is!
God: Well then, when you are sleeping, I will take one of your ribs and create a woman to stay by your side day-by-day. She will be named Eve and she will provide this company that you so want from me.
Adam: Oh that would be wonderful, and then this world would truly be complete. Thank you so much.
Narrator: So God created Eve from a rib of AdamÕs, and when she awoke, she looked in the water, saw her reflection, and realized what a beauty she was. She looked at Adam and when he awoke they became connected as the two species on the land that were unlike any other.
Adam: Why hello there, my name is Adam and I am going to be your companion. We will be friends, and frolic on this earth with no worries because we have each other and God. I think you are beautiful and I will love you till the day we die.
Eve: Well arenÕt you a kind stranger. I think we will get along very well, just as you say. I may warn you, though, that I am a independent woman who would love your companionship but also my space as well. So lovely to meet you. Would you like to show me around this wonderful world?
Adam: Of course I would!
Narrator: So the two of them went off and Adam showed Eve the animals, and the ocean, and the trees and the fruit. He showed her the work they had to get done everyday, and what they would eat in the garden, which is when they came upon the tree of life. Adam had recalled RaphaelÕs warnings about Eve, and how it may be difficult for her to push away the temptations of Satan, so he proceeded to tell her about this tree and Satan and how it was there duty to stay away.
Adam: And this here is a giraffe, and a hippo, and a pig! Now we are entering into the Garden of Eden, where we are free to eat all of the fruit from the trees we want. However there is one exception. Come over here. This tree, known as the tree of life, is the one tree that we are forbidden to eat from.
Eve: Why is that?
Adam: Well, to be honest, I am not quite sure, but God told us that we were free to have anything we wanted besides the fruit off of this tree. A man named Raphael came to tell me that this tree was forbidden and that we had to resist the temptation, because Satan is probably going to come down and tempt us to eat from it.
Eve: Are you telling me that you do not trust me to resist the temptation? Do you think I will fall into his trap? I canÕt believe you!
Adam: No no, no that is not what I meant. I just am warning you that we need to be careful so we donÕt disobey God.
Eve: Okay, well if that is the case, I think that we should split up our work in the garden and work on our own for the day so that we get as much as we possibly can get done and so that we donÕt get distracted by each other.
Adam: I just donÕt know if that is such a good idea.
Eve: So, do you not trust me?
Adam: No I do, I just donÕt know if it is a great idea. However, maybe the time apart will make us grow fonder of each other. Okay, I guess a little while will do. We will separate for the day and reunite tonight after our work is done. Go on, I will see you later tonight.
Eve: Sounds great. See you tonight.
Narrator: So Adam and Eve went their separate ways, but it wasnÕt long before Satan decided to make his move.
Satan: I canÕt stand the good in the world. It is time for me to come down and make my mark. Oh, and look, how perfect! Eve and Adam have separated, I never thought the day would come. Hmm, I guess Eve will definitely be the easier one to persuade. There is a serpent. I will go into his form and go talk to Eve.
Narrator: So Satan turned into the form if the Serpent and went along his way to find Eve. When he approached her, Eve was doing work by the tree of life. This was his chance, and so he took it.
Satan: Well hello there Miss Eve, how are you doing today?
Eve: Oh my, you can talk. Well I am fine, just doing my work for the day until I go meet up with my Adam tonight.
Satan: Oh lovely well you must be hungry, would you like an apple from this tree?
Eve: Oh no! I cannot have one from THAT tree. That is the tree of life, the forbidden tree in the garden.
Satan: Oh and why do you believe it be forbidden?
Eve: Well, Adam told me that this was the one tree the we are not allowed to eat from. Now that you mention it, I am not sure why we canÕt eat from it, I just know that I shouldnÕt.
Satan: Well, I eat the fruit from this tree and nothing bad has ever happened to me. I become so knowledgeable and can do so much more after eating from this tree. Trust me, it is okay, nothing bad will happen.
Eve: Okay, I guess it wonÕt hurt.
Narrator: So Eve went ahead and took a bite of the apple. Immediately she felt a sense of shame and knew she had done something so wrong. She didnÕt know what to do other than go make Adam go take a bite of the apple as well.
Adam: Why hey there Eve, what a surprise to see you! What is going on?
Eve: Adam, I have something to tell you. Ya see, this snake came along and asked me if I had ever eaten from the tree of lifeÉ
Adam: Oh no!
Eve: Yes
Adam: And you ate from the tree just life I told you not to, just like I knew you would if I left you alone, just like
Eve: But wait. ItÕs not like I new that the Serpent was tricking me!
Adam: Of course you did! That Serpent was Satan!
Eve: Oh no! Well I tried to hold myself back, but he told me that eating this apple would make me smart and even prettier and that I would gain so much power from eating from it. I had no other choice!
Adam: Oh donÕt tell me you had no other choice! You had one choice and that was to say no, which obviously you didnÕt. Now who knows what is going to happen. One thing is for sure though; you will be never let into this beautiful garden again.
Eve: Oh Adam, I love you so much! I never want to have to live without you. This is so terrible! I donÕt know what to do! I should have never listened to the snake; I should never eaten from the tree.
Adam: I know, but I guess this is partially my fault too, I should have never let you go on your own. I guess your mistake is my mistake as well, give me the apple.
Narrator: So Adam went ahead and took a bite from the apple, and before they knew it they were standing naked in the garden so ashamed of themselves, all they wanted to do was hide. They saw the world in a brand new way, full of sin and wrongdoing, and there was nothing they could do about it. But, of course, they couldnÕt hide from God. So, instead they stepped out in all of their shame and waited for a response. Now God, while in Heaven, has seen exactly what they have done, so he calls upon his angels to help him lead Adam and Eve out of his garden. In the meantime, he also tilted the EarthÕs axis, allowed for sin and death to enter the Earth, and watched chaos fill the land. Women now bear the burden of childbirth, men have to hunt and gather their food, animals have competition, and ultimately everyone has to participate in survival of the fittest. And, as far as that sneaky serpent goes, he doesnÕt have legs and will slither at the feet of humans for the rest of his being on earth. As Michael, the keeper of Eden, led Adam and Eve out of the garden, he portrays to Adam that there is a positive in this whole mess. People are going to learn to make there own choices and live for the good. If they live out their life being the person God wants them to be, they will find eternal happiness in the end. Humans will never have to face Satan again if they follow GodÕs word, and ultimately, this world will not be fallen anymore and it will be the place that it started off as. So what is the moral of this story? ŌThis having learnt, thou hast attained the sum Of Wisdom; hope no higher, though all the Stars Thou knewÕst by name, and all thÕ ethereal Powers, All secrets of the deep, all NatureÕs works, Or works of God in HeavÕn, Air, Earth, or Sea, And all riches of this World enjoyÕdst, And all the rule, one Empire: only add Deeds to thy knowledge answerable, add Faith, Add Virtue, Patience, Temperance, add Love, By name to come called Charity, the soul Of all the rest: then wilt though not be loth To leave this Paradise, but shalt possess A paradise within thee, happier far.Ķ