Next writing assignment--first draft of final essay
Not graded, but not getting it in will be F for 20% of paper grade
descriptive and narrative material from your own experience and
observation, including childhood memory if relevant--at least 50%
information and references to natural history from lectures and
readings on Cal Poly Land website and elsewhere--with documentation
short citations from works of writers we've read related to your
essay and comments on them
discussion of some political, economic, social, moral or religious
issue--i.e. a claim that can be argued pro and con--related
to the information and experience and citations you present
Between now and the time this draft is due and the time the final draft
is due, keep adding material along these lines to your journal
Examples: All of our readings so far and in the next three weeks, entries
from fellow student journals and writing assignments appearing on the
website and examples of instructor's nature writings.
Possible topics or approaches [if you're having trouble finding one
or want to discuss yours, please communicate with me during office hours
or by email]
A walk you take us on--up a mountain, along a stream, from the lowest
to the highest point of the campus, between campus reservoirs
Sitting in one place and watching what goes on
A natural object--general or specific
Serpentine--the rock, the formation, the plant community
California poppies
California Sagebrush
The Spring near the bridge at the top of Poly Canyon
The foot of the deer
Mockingbirds or hummingbirds or vultures--description of behavior,
bodies, symbolism, your reaction
A guide to a place for someone who has never been there or for someone
who hasnt observed what you have--upper poly canyon, Poly Mountain
front and back; horse canyon
Your own naming of a place
The change from winter to early spring, the changes of the moon, weather
and its effect
Aspect and slope
Contrasting what you like and what you dont like about the natural
An experience centering on nature
Finding a fawn in the grass
Farming or gardening
Participating in an political activity centering on the natural
Samples of successful student essays can be found here: