Steven Marx

English Department
Cal Poly University
San Luis Obispo CA 93407
(805) 756-2411

    • Ph. D. in English, Stanford University, l981
    • B. A. Columbia University, Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude , 1963

    • Assistant/Associate/ Professor of English, Cal Poly University, 1988-present
    • [Undergraduate and graduate courses in Ecoliterature, Cal Poly Land, Shakespeare, the Bible as literature, Classical, Medieval, Renaissance, Romantic and Modern literature, Multimedia Blake and Ethnic American literature]
    • Lecturer in English and Western Culture, Stanford, 1984-1988
    • [Literature and the Arts in Western Culture; freshman composition;
      Shakespeare; Seminar in "Humanism, Militarism and Pacifism"]
    • Instructor in English, Scripps College, Claremont CA, 1982-1984
    • [Freshman composition: "Language, Gender and Power"]
    • Instructor in English, Skyline College, San Bruno CA, 198l-1982
    • Instructor in English, Malaspina College, Powell River, B.C., 1976-1979
    • Instructor in English, Capilano College, North Vancouver, B.C., 1973-1975
    • Assistant Professor of English, Columbia University, 1967-1970


    • CSU Systemwide Quality Improvement Award
    • Quest for the Best Faculty Mentor Award 2003
    • Cal Poly College of Liberal Arts Scholar of the Year Award June 2002
    • Provost's Faculty Centennial Seminar Grant 2000-2001
    • State Faculty Support Grant, Cal Poly University, l996
    • Cal Poly Distinguished Professor Award 1994
    • NEH Summer Seminar Yale 1993, "The Bible as Literature: Theory and Practise"
    • State Faculty Support Grant, Cal Poly University, Summer 1991
    • CARE Grant, Cal Poly University, Autumn 1990
    • NEH Summer Seminar Berkeley 1989, "The New Historicism: Shakespeare"