- Winters Tale criticism
- Contrast to Orgels view
- Homosexual vs. Heterosexual critiques
- Play leads to male dominance; Paulina and women downplayed or not
- Carol Neely, "Women and Issue"
- Final reconciliationsNature, art, the gods, time
- Central miracle birthhuman, personal, physical and female
- Power of women: Perdita, Paulina, Hermione
- Central idea is issuesexuality and delivery, separation and change, growth and decay; lifes rhythms
- Childbirth is literal and symbolic center
- Attention to pregnancy, delivery, recovery and nursing
- Imagery of breeding, pregnancy, delivery
- Great nature[mentioned by Paulina2.3. 57, 2.3.103--also Perdita 4.4. 88]
- Birth proscribed
- Antigonus threat to geld daughters
- Clown and Shep. Become Gentlemena born
- Leontesbirth of imagination 1.2.138 [Like Lears horror of the female hell]
- Birth praised
- Things new born
- Reanimation of statue imitates labor and delivery
- Beginnings in static masc. world that appears staticpurporting to control time and space
- Sour memory of courtship; debased imagery of courtship and birth 1.2.138
- Pernicious swerve from idealization to degradation of womenHamlet, Lear, Othello
- Wishes to remain boy eternalpuer eternus
- Stay longer in Sicily=prolong puer eternus
- Kings imagine their sons as copies of themselves, extensions of their own egos
- Both want to possess their offspringnot let them grow and be themselves and separate or associated with women [threatening to Orgel]
- Women are the cure
- Hermione is witty, sexual, fertile, moody and explicit about her separation and irritation with Mamillius 221
- Herm. Is idealized by her absence, the trick played on the audience, Paulinas defense [and Leontes regret]she comes to Antigonus like a protective goddess--Ceres
- Hermione as Ceresmaking the ground barren; when Perdita returns like Persesphone, "spring returns"
- Like Beatrice and Emilia, Paulina is shrewish defender of wronged womanshe becomes wise counsellor
- She can succeed as Hermione surrogate because she takes unthtreatening, asexual role [e.g. Dr. Ruth]
- Long intimate close friendship, resembling that of Hermione and
- Perditas celebration of sexuality as rebirthnot for a corse, pity for maidenhood, desire to breed by melike Hermione at the openingcelebrated as wave: 4.4.143-6 [Surfer babe]
- Florizel is transformation of Leontes as lover, old shpepherd transformation
of Leontes as father
- Youth as wantonness not innocence
- Encourages her wantonness and associates it with his wife, whose loss he accepts
- Autolycus celebration of pastoral sexuality
- [but the extended contrast to Leontes seems forced]
- Revival of desire in Leontes
- Apprecation of Hermiones sexualityhe becomes advocate of lovers and even admits the incestuousness of desire, but controls it
- Final scene
- Emphasis of Perditas and Hermiones longing for one another
- Paulina shapes the desire sof the participants into a shared ritual; their speech imbues the statue with lifeit becomes a she; recreate Hermione bit by bit.
- Leontes had wanted a stone cold woman; now he wants warmth
- Moment of reunion is painful, laborious and exhilirating as the moment of birth.
- Paulina acting as midwife, entices Hermione out of her numbness
- Reversing and repeating the inception of their nuptials, when Leontes wooed painfully