Director's notes to cast before 1st runthrough March 1,1992

exercise and warmups

big moment--ten days to opening; first time we try to put it together

everybody been working hard; now we pool our creations and energies

more excitement, more fun, more terror--not just from the play's curse

additional help--patty estrada, mary breyspraak; still need lights and makeup people

shaping up as a great show--we have everything we need; acceptable script; great space; terrific actors; excellent tech; an avid audience. To make this happen the way we want it to will be a miraculous accomplishment; that's our job in the next ten days--to create a miraculous accomplishment. It can be done only with total concentration and commitment.

rehearsals: know your schedules; be on time; don't space out; check your exits and entrances and transfers; be ready for what's next; follow the play; it's all learning Shakespeare

outside rehearsals; think about your character; run through lines everyday; while you exercise; watch sleep and diet; don't get sick

be responsible for your costume and props from now on; work with Ken, Patti and me; if you need help

sell tickets