Blocking for Othello IV, i--171-263

Othello: [Come forward. Look offstage left at the departed Cassio and growl.

Then cross behind Iago and ask in his ear, standing stage right] How shall I murder him, Iago?

Iago: [Ignoring the question and looking offstage left] Did you perceive how he laughed at his vice?

Othello: [Hand on his shoulder] O Iago!

Iago: [Still looking offstage] And did you see the handkerchief?

Othello: Was that mine?

Iago: Yours, by this hand! [Sticking out his left hand, placing it over Othello's on his right shoulder.

[Othello stares at the hand; Iago turns his head left, snorts to himself, looks to the door and then continues] And to see how he prizes the foolish woman hyour wife! She gave it him, and he hath giv'n it to his whore.

Othello: [Pulls hand away and crosses in front of Iago towards door, shaking both fists in rage] I would have him nine years a-killing!

[Returning to Iago, with an imploring voice, placing hand on his left shoulder] A fine woman, a fair woman, a sweet woman?

Iago: [Turn and walk right, his back to Othello] Nay you must forget that.

Othello: [Turning to door, raging] Ay, let her rot, and perish, and be damned tonight; for she shall not live.

[Turning to audience] No my heart is turned to stone. [Striking hard] I strike it and it hurts my hand. [grimacing with pain as he looks at his hand;

then a big sigh and weepily approaching Iago] O, the world hath not a sweeter creature! [approaching Iago from behind and putting hand on his left shoulder] She might lie by an emperor's side and command him tasks!

Iago: [Crossing left in front of him] Nay that's not your way.

Othello: [Yelling at him to stop him] Hang her! [Iago stops and turns]

[to audience, imploring] So delicate with her needle. An admirable musician. O she will sing the savageness out of a bear! Of so high and plenteous with and invention--

Iago: [coming up from behind and interrupting quietly and regretfully] She's all the worse for all this.

Othello: [crossing left and roaring] O [pause] a thousand, a thousand times. [Returning again to Iago, begging] And then, of so gentle a condition?

Iago: [gently, but ironically, and stroking him] Ay too gentle.

Othello: [bitterly] Nay, that's certain. [breaking into tears] But yet the pity of it, Iago, O Iago, the pity of it, Iago.

Iago: [acting repulsed and turning away sarcastically] If you are so fond over her iniquity, give her patent to offend; for if it hurts not you, it comes near nobody.

Othello: [seething as he comes forward, gradually louder] I will chop her into messes! Cuckold me!

Iago: [cheering him on] O tis foul in her!

Othello: [louder and heading for the door, crossing behind Iago] With mine officer!

Iago: That's fouler.

Othello: [left to Iago, conspiratorially] Get me some poison, Iago, this night. I'll ot expostulate with her her, lest her body and beauty unprovide my mind again. This night Iago!

Iago: Do it not with poison. [Thinking--one eye closed] Strangle her in her bed [pause, smiling at Othello triumphantly] even the bed she hath contaminated.

Othello: [laughing maniacally, arm around Iago] Good, good! The justice of it pleases. Very good!

Iago: [crossing right in front of him] And for Cassio, let me be his undertaker. You shall hear more by midnight.

Othello: [Smiling] Excellent good. [A trumpet] [Anxiously] What trumpet is that same?

Iago: I warrant something from Venice. Tis Lodovico. This comes from the Duke. See your wife's with him.

[Iago backs up center. EnterLodovico, Desdemona, and attendants]

Ludovico: [with a flourish to Othello] God save you, worthy general.

Othello: [With another flourish] With all my heart, sir.

Ludovico: The duke and the senators of Venice greet you. [Handing him the rolled up message]

Othello: [With another flourish, taking it and kissing it] I kiss the instrument of their pleasures. [Iago sniggers; Othello turns right, unrolls and reads it]

Desdemona: [To Ludovico's left] And what's the news good cousin Ludovico?

Iago: [coming forward] I am very glad to see you signor. [Bows] Welcome to Cyprus.

Lodovico: I thank you. How does Lieutenant Cassio?

Iago: [cold] Lives sir. [steps back and stays there]

Desdemona: [ardently] Cousin, there's falln between him and my lord an unkind breach; but you shall make all well.

Othello: [with his back to her] Are you sure of that?

Desdemona: My lord?

Othello: "[Reads] This fail you not to do, as you will--

Ludovico: He did not call; he's busy in the paper.

Is there division 'twixt my lord and Cassio?

Desdemona: A most unhappy one. I would do much

T'atone them, for the love I bear to Cassio.

Othello: [still looking at the paper] Fire and brimstone!

Desdemona: My lord?

Othello: [Turning to her, threateningly] Are you wise?

Desdemona: What, is he mad?

Lodovico: May be the letter moved him;

For as I think, they do command him home,

Deputing Cassio in his government.

Desdemona: Trust me, I am glad on't

Othello: Indeed?

Desdemona: My lord?

Othello: [Imitating her--face red; hardly able to speak] I am glad to see you mad.

Desdemona: [Crossing L. and I. reaching for Othello] Why, sweet Othello--

Othello: [He pushes her away and throws her down in front of Ludovico] Devil!

Desdemona: [on the ground] I have not deserved this. [she weeps]

Ludovico: [Going to her and bending by her] My lord, this would not be believed in Venice

Though I should swear I saw't. Tis very much.

Make her amends; she weeps. [Standing back]

Othello: [Towering over her] O devil, devil!

If that the earth could teem with woman's ears

Each drop she falls would prove a crocodile.

Out of my sight!

Desdemona: [standing up] I will not stay to offend you. [Going, weeping throughout the rest of the scene]

Ludovico: [going to Othello] Truly an obedient lady.

I do beseech your lordship call her back.

Othello: [Across Ludovico] Mistress!

Desdemona: [stopping and turning, from stage left, obediently] My lord?

Othello: What would you with her, sir?

Ludovico: [disoriented] Who? I, my lord?

Othello: [irritated] Ay! You did wish that I would make her turn.

Sir, she can turn and turn, [to her] and yet go on

And turn again; [to Ludovico] and she can weep sir, weep;

And she's obedient; as you say, obedient.

[Crossing in front of Ludovico and addressing her threateningly as she weeps]

Very obedient. Proceed you in your tears

[turning to Ludovico and shaking the document with his right hand] Concerning this sir--

[she weeps louder; he grabs her roughly with his left hand] O well painted passion!

[turns to Ludovico and says defeatedly] I am commanded home.

[moving, then shoving her toward the door] Get you away; I'll send for you anon.

[coming back toward Ludovico, bowing] Sir I obey the madate and will return to Venice.

[shrieking at Desdemona, who cowers near the door] Hence avaunt! [she exits]

[gesturing with the document, and then looking at the door] Cassio shall have my place]

[Sweetly to Ludovico] And sir, tonight

I do entreat that we may sup together.

You are welcome sir to Cyprus.

[grabbing his stomach, heading for the exit, stopping and grimacing] Goats and monkeys! [Exit]

[Iago and Ludovico stare at each other]