Winter's Tale Music

The Winter's Tale--Music  
place mood and setting
opening happy Spanish Xmas
before 2.1 foreboding flamenco
before 2.2 grim imprisoned innocent
before 2.3 insomnia, madness
before 3.1 the air most sweet
before 3.2 a court of justice
before 3.3 the seacoast of Bohemia in a storm
before 4.1/ during introducing Time's monologue; sixteen years passing as she turns her hourglass
before 4.2 Bohemian court music--Baroque?
before 4.3 Autolycus' song--When Daffodils begin to appear
during 4.4 A Roundel dance--play 90 seconds on stage
before 5.1 more flamenco
during 5.3 music to make a statue awaken in a chapel

Last Updated on 4/4/00