English 339--Introduction to Shakespeare--Steven Marx
Discussion Questions on Othello III, iii
First break at Iago's second exit, line 258
× "I like not that" 34
× What's Iago's method of attack?
× Tone and import of Desdemona's pleadings (lines 70, 83)? Effect on Othello?
× "Leave me but a little to myself" (85) "When I love thee not chaos is come again"
× Why is Othello so edgy?
× (100-105) Iago's echoing? Strategy here? How does Othello fall for it? How does Iago know how to proceed? How's he a "good listener"? What does he pick up and how does he use it?
× What hints does Iago plant in 126-175; 205-240--how do they appeal to special vulnerabilities of Othello?
× 190 ff. How does Iago manipulate O. into craving proof of D's adultery? How does this forward his purpose?
Second break; line 355 after Othello's Farewell to Arms speech
× What's effect of Iago's exits and reentrances
× What are the stages and symptoms of Othello's breakdown? How is his intensifying suffering dramatized? . What deeper elements of his psyche erupt? contrast with the Othello of earlier scenes.
× What's accentuated in Desdemona's response to Othello?
× What's relation of what Emilia does to what Iago does?
× What's connection between inference ("Dangerous conceits") and proof as presented here and in Act I's trial scene? Suggestions about proof and trial procedures in general? About religious proofs and witch trials?
× Why does Othello see his career fold up here?
Third break; end of scene
× What's revealed here about the genesis of murderous hate? What does Othello see as "satisfaction"?
× What's the psychological function of Othello's demonic imagery and diction?
× How does the theme of proof and inference--the summoning of evidence--continue? What kind of evidence does Iago present?
× What are the side effects of Iago's stories--410-425; 436
× What are the kinds of gratification Iago gets from carrying out his scheme?