1. Francis Bacon -- rival to Shakespeare, in more ways than one
    1. How is Bacon new?
      1. *Novum Organum--New Compendium of Sciences--Aristotle's "Old Organon"
        1. Great Instauration [Contains Novum Organon]--renewal, renovation, restoration=rebirith=renaissance
        2. Future, Enlightenment oriented--Kritik; scepticism: Hobbes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume
        3. Nature; science; technology; power--Loren Eiseley--the Man who saw through time--18th century; Polytechnic
          1. Inventors
          2. Man being the interpreter of nature--Novum Organum 1
        4. Non-humanist--words and names: Novum Organum 59-60--41"It is false asssertion that the sense of man is the measure of all things"
        5. Iconoclasm--destroying Idols=Reformation
          1. New Atlantis: hate all impostures and lies...p.8
          2. Idea of Superstition
            1. Caliban
          3. Essay "on Truth"
          4. Seventeenth century epistemology--scepticism--Descartes, Leibnitz, Spinoza
        6. Contrast to Apocalyptic/Imaginative/Visionary elements in The Tempest --idols of the Theatre [aphorism 44]
          1. But Bacon, like Newton and other early scientists also practised magic, numerology, astrology and cabbalism
    2. How is Bacon old?
      1. Rhetorical; classical and biblical allusion--enter heaven like a little child--Novum Org 68, allusion to Mark 10:15, Luke 18:17
      2. Use of language in Matthew 13
      3. Emblematic and figurative--pillars of Hercules
    3. New Atlantis--relation to Thomas More--new World; America, the New Found land; land of angels
      1. Shipwreck, deliverance--picture of salvation in heaven--island of new beginnings; improvement and progress
      2. Christian people--
      3. Lawgiver=Utopus, Salomon, College of Six Day's work=Nature--see Milton on Six Days Work
        1. Inventors
        2. Researchers
    4. Novum Organum
      1. Delineate the Four Idols
      2. Idols of the Tribe
    5. Of Truth...Of Superstition
      1. Dialectical structure: state opposite view and then rebut.
        1. Begin with Bible