English 204 Winter 2004ÑList of works read and discussed in class


ÒReading notesÓ linked to syllabus contain my commented summaries of assigned texts.  ÒLecture notesÓ contain talking points for class lectures and discussions, not all of which were actually covered.


  1. Wither: Emblem
  2. More: Utopia, books 1 and 2
  3. Ralegh, The Discovery of Guiana
  4. Harriot, The Newfoundland of Virginia
  5. Marlowe, Tamburlaine, Act 1, selections, Act 5
  6. Elizabeth I, To the Troops at Tilbury, On MonsieurÕs Departure, The doubt of Future Foes
  7. Shakespeare in Love
  8. Sidney, Come Sleep O Sleep, Marlowe, The Passionate Shepherd, Ralegh, The NymphÕs Reply, Songs: Come Away, Now is the Month of Maying, Come Again, It was a lover and his lass
  9. Shakespeare, The Tempest
  10. Pico: Oration on the Dignity of Man
  11. King James Bible: Prefatory Letter, Genesis, Exodus 1-20, 32, 40, Judges 13-16, [Samson], I Samuel 17, IISamuel 11-13, IKings 3-6, 11, Matthew1-11, 13, 26-8, Revelation 1, 4-7, 17-22
  12. Bacon, Of Studies.  Of Truth, Of Superstition, Novum Organum--The Idols of the Mind
  13. Milton, Aereopagitica
  14. Bradford, History Of Plymouth PlantationÑOn the Mayflower, Private and Communal Farming
  15. Bible, Psalms 19, 23, 51, 137, 150, Song of Songs 1-4
  16. Donne, Expostulation 19, Herbert, The H. Scriptures
  17. Donne, Spit in my face, you Jews, Batter my Heart Three personed God, Tesauro, On Metaphor
  18. Herbert, Redemption, Deniall, Love 3
  19. Donne, The Canonization, The Flea
  20. Mary Wroth,  When NightÕs Black Mantle could most darkness prove, Am I thus conquerÕd have I lost the powers, False Hope which feeds but to destroy
  21. Andrew Marvell, The Garden
  22. Milton, Paradise Lost, Selections in Longman Anthology
  23. Ann Bradstreet, To my dear and loving husband, A Dialogue between Old England and New