1. Sidney–Apology for Poetry
    1. Kind of essay–Epideictic argument; rhetoric; wit; ornamental and serious; Humanist wit–contrast to Elizabeth’s letters, Ralegh’s Treatise--schematic
      1. Introductory anecdote–self serving arguments of praise–the horse trainer
      2. Poetry is most ancient of arts…passport to learning
      3. Names of poets–etymological approach–still used today
        1. Vates, diviner or seer–digression to David as great biblical poet–poet as prophet; speaker of god
        2. Poet–maker; English maker
          1. Maker is creator; nature vs. art; art is superior to nature…brazen/golden
      4. Transition–poetry as imitation; representing and counterfeiting, speaking picture, to teach and delight
        1. Imitate excellency of god–divine poetry
        2. Philosophical poets
        3. Imitate to teach and delight–painting not concrete particulars but ideals–make people desire to pursue virtue and flee vice
      5. Subdivide into genres
        1. The Aristotelian treatise on poetry
          1. See paradigm for literary analysis on syllabus
          2. Beginnings, middles and endings
      6. Poetry (919) is the best form of education–purifying of wit–self-knowledge and virtue
      7. Poetry combines history and philosophy and is better than each.
        1. Sir Thomas More
        2. Our Savior Christ–using parables–nice description of how they work on his mind 923
        3. A feigned example hath as much force to teach as a true example 924–cf. Iago and Othello and Desdemona
  2. Sidney--Astrophil and Stella
    1. Sound and etymology of names--star-lover and star
    2. Platonic love--lower and higher Eros--Platonic love
    3. Loving in truth and fain--scansion
    4. With how sad steps o moon: the sonnet
  3. Mary Herbert p. 1010
    1. Politics, religion and poetry [or theatre]
    2. Even now that care--The ruler's anxiety..Queen E's poems
      1. David as poet, David as King--line 25ff. And 65 ff.
      2. Jesus and David as anxious rulers and tormented souls
      3. Use of bible and use of classics-Christian humanism
    3. Pose of humility--pastoral and peasantry line 34--rents and tenants