1       Introduction

1.1     This G.E. class has two main objectives, stated in the course description and reflected in  the assignments you will be working on. 

1.2     The first is to learn about many aspects of the University's ten thousand acres of land from lectures, readings in the textbook and website, guided walks to many locations and your own research.  The land consists of what is created by nature,geology, climate, vegetation, wildlife,and the impacts upon that natural landscape by human uses and impacts, in other words, technology.  In this broad sense, learning about the land's  archaeology and history, its present and projected uses for agricultural production and resource extraction, its value for research, teaching,  recreation and housing, ways in which it has been degraded and restored, as well as its complex infrastructure of communication, transportation and utilities all involve the study of technology.

1.3     The second main objective of the course is to provide students with a hands-on knowledge of technology.  This will be provided by your production of web pages that contribute additional knowledge about the land to the Cal Poly Land Website.

1.4     This is the first of several instruction sheets on how to proceed with your group project. 

1.5     After you've taken some time to familiarize yourself with the content and format of the Cal Poly Land website   http://polyland.calpoly.edu/index.htm

1.6     check out the student projects made by groups in last year's class listed on the "What's New?" page at:  http://polyland.calpoly.edu/overview/Whatsnew/index.html

2       Overview

2.1     When you type a web URL [Universal Resource Locator] like those above,  you  provide the internet with instructions to find an address.  "Http://" stands for "Hypertext. transfer protocol" notifying computers that you are using the worldwide web.  Hypertext means text in which links to other objects, such as webpages, pictures, sound clips or movies can be embedded.  In the above addresses, "polyland" indicates the folder [or directory] that contains the 7000 files that make up the pages and images on the website.   "Polyland"  resides on a server--a computer which serves files to other computers--which is located at "calpoly," a domain including all of Poly's computers, which is contained in the larger doman of all educational institutions,"edu."

2.2     The pages that come up in your web browser--either Netscape or Explorer or Safari or Firefox--are written in a code called "Html" Ðfor "hypertext markup language," which you will not have to learn to produce pages for this class, but which is helpful to know something about. Every web page's address ends with ".html" or ".htm" to signify that it's written in this code.

2.3     The work that we do this quarter will all be contained in a Cal Poly Land folder that simulates the folder on the "Live" polyland site.  It's address is:  http://cla.calpoly.edu/polyland/index.html

2.4     This simulated site is housed in a section of the "cla"  [college of liberal arts] server accessible only to those who have the log-in name and password.  At the end of the quarter, after it's been critiqued and revised, the new work will be loaded on to the official Polyland site and made available to the general public.

2.5     Making or changing web pages is done with an application [or program] called an editor.  Dreamweaver, produced by Macromedia Corporation, is the editor supported at Cal Poly and found on all university computers.  You will be using Dreamweaver to make web pages that fit into the Cal Poly Land website.  Your pages will be generated from a template that includes the standard logo and left hand menu bar.  They will use some materials from other parts of the site,text, pictures, maps, and links-- as well as materials that you get from elsewhere or produce from scratch.  Some of you may decide to alter or abandon the templates in parts of your project, but before doing so you should check with an instructor for cautions and suggestions.

2.6     The procedure outlined below for making, checking, and loading your webpages may seem cumbersome at first,  but after a few times should go quickly.  You will be working with two servers.  The first is "Hagrid," a file server containing the folder, "Stuff," that  contains the folder "Polyland" that functions as the "source" or "root folder" which everybody in the class is sharing for their pages.  On "Polyland" in "Stuff" in "Hagrid," you will find the templates for your pages and you will save the pages you make. 

2.7     Following the instructions below each time you work on your site, you will be able to place "Stuff" on the desktop of the computer you are using, open it through Dreamweaver, and make additions and changes to the files on it.  Once you have finished a work session,  you will upload [or copy] your new files from Hagrid, the file server,  to the CLA server, your remote test server.  It serves your pages to anyone with the appropriate URL and password.

2.8     Note: Computers are finicky.  When following these procedures you have to get the letters, numbers and spaces you use to communicate with them just right.  Watch out  for upper and lower case, spaces and whether slashes are forward (/) or back (\)

3       Accessing Hagrid, the File Server

3.1     From a Windows XP computer

3.1.1    rightclick on "My Network Places" and select "Search for Computers"

3.1.2    Type "\\hagrid.libart.calpoly.edu" and click "Search"

3.1.3 Double click on the name of the server in right window

3.1.4 In login window, type in the login name--for example, "agria" or "hista"--and password of your group's work folder. That password will be provided to your group by the instructor. .   

3.1.4    uncheck "save password"

3.1.5    This will place the Hagrid File Server window on your desktop, connecting your computer to Hagrid through the campus network. Close this window and ignore it from now on. Do not try to access the server through it.   You will be doing that only through the Dreamweaver application.

3.2     From a  Macintosh with OSX:

3.2.1    In the Finder pull down "Go" menu

3.2.2    Select "Connect to server"

3.2.3    At "address, " type: "afp://hagrid.libart.calpoly.edu" At prompt, click "connect."

3.2.4    type login: your group's name, e.g. "agria"

3.2.5    enter your group's password

3.2.6    Select " Stuff"

3.2.7    This will place the Hagrid File Server icon and window on your desktop. Close this window and ignore it from now on. Do not try to access the server through it.   You will be doing that only through the Dreamweaver application.

4       "Site Definition"--setting up your work space

4.1     Find Dreamweaver on the Desktop or in Start>Programs>Macromedia>DreamweaverMX and open the program. On some machines Macromedia/Dreamweaver may be found inside a folder named "Keyserver Applications"

4.2     If an "untitled document" appears, close it

4.3     Pulldown "Site"  menu from top of screen

4.4     Select "Edit Sites" or "Manage Sites" and then "New Site"

4.4.1     Select "Basic" (not "Advanced")and start following the prompts

4.5     Name your site: "polyland330"

4.5.1 If asked for HTTP address for your site, type "http://cla.calpoly.edu/polyland

4.6     If asked, indicate you do not want to work with a server technology

4.7     Indicate that you want to edit local copies on your machine,the first option--and that you want to store your files on your machine. In the box for "Where  on your computer do want to store your files?"

4.7.1    For Windows, type "\\hagrid.libart.calpoly.edu\Stuff\polyland\"

4.7.2    For Mac, type "stuff:polyland:"

4.8     Indicate that you want to connect to your "remote" [Web] server by FTP. This stands for "file transfer protocol" and specifies how the files you made on Hagrid will be copied to the Web Server. 

4.9     For "hostname" or  "FTP address," type: "cla.calpoly.edu"

4.10    For "folder," leave blank

4.11    For "FTP login," type "polyland"

4.12    For "FTP password," type  Testserver Password provided in class

4.13    Test connection

4.14    Click "next."

4.15    Do not enable "checkin,  checkout." Click "next."

4.16    If Dreamweaver starts scanning files, click "Stop"

4.17    Click "done"  on two succeeding screens. Your site is defined and your workspace is set up.

4.18 Select "local view" in the right window

5       Creating web pages in Dreamweaver

5.1     Go the File menu and select "New...".  When the "New Document" window opens after a few seconds, click the "From Template" tab.

5.2     Select a Template from the list that corresponds to the category you're in,for instance "Swanland" (for Swanton) or "Arts"-- and  allow a few seconds for the new page to open. Click "Create."

5.2.1    "Place"categories  are: Poly Canyon, Stenner, Aglands [for the Campus Farm], Western [for Western Ranches],  Swanton, and Adjoining [for lands adjoining Cal Poly.

5.2.2    "Topic"categories  are Agriculture, Arts, Flora [for Flora and Fauna], Geology, History, Recreation, Resources, Soils [for Soils and Water] Stewardship, Technology

5.3     Type "index.html" in the title box to identify your page. This first page will be the top page of your group's folder and will identify your site and link to all its contents.

5.4     Before adding more content, Save your  page in the appropriate folder

5.4.1     Save all your files and folders inside your workgroup's "assigned folder."  It is named "Hum330a ," "Hum330b" or  "Hum 330c"  and located inside the appropriate "Category folder," for instance "Swanton" or  "Arts", which is inside the Topics folder [or possibly Places folder] inside the "polyland" folder inside "Stuff" on Hagrid.   Your group's password will allow you to add  or change files in your assigned folder only.


5.5     To create a new folders within your assigned folder

5.5.1    Go to the menu at top of screen and pull down "Site Files" or click the "F8" key.  On the File list, find the folder within which you want to make a new folder.   For P.C., right click on that folder.   For Mac, hold down "ctrl" key and click on that folder.

5.5.2    Select "Folder" from the window which opens. An "untitled folder" will open on the site list.  Name it.

6       Adding Content to your webpages

6.1     Insert text

6.1.1    You can type text in any of the boxes on your page. You control text formatting with the "Properties Inspector," a narrow window usually at the bottom of the screen.  It's opened from the "Window" pulldown menu at the top of your screen. The standard font for the Cal Poly Land website is "Verdana."

6.2     Insert an image

6.2.1    Click a location for the picture within the alloted space on the page.

6.2.2    Go to "Insert" on the top pulldown menu and select "image." This puts you in the "Select image source" window.   To get a picture that's somewhere else on the website, click the little folder icon to navigate anywhere in the website to find the image you want.   Click on the image name and then "Choose." Dreamweaver will place it on your page.   The Properties Inspector Window now allows you to change the image and resize it if  necessary.   Note: When searching for images in the CPL website to use on your page, you can determine their location by right-clicking on the image and opening it in a new window. For, example: http://polyland.calpoly.edu/places/Swanland/landscape/images/New%20Folder/swbeach2.jpg 

6.2.3    To use a picture from another source, go to the bottom of the local files directory and click on "computer." This will give you access to files on your desktop or in a floppy or cd in your computer. Drag and drop the image files you are adding into a folder you name "Images" that  you create in your assigned folder.  Then insert the image onto the page as indicated in ""

6.3     Make links on your page.

6.3.1    Highlight the  text you want to make "hot," text that will bring up another web page when clicked by the user.

6.3.2    To link to a page elsewhere on the Cal Poly Land website, in the Properties Inspector,  find the little folder icon to the right of the "Link" box.  Click on it to navigate through the site till you reach the file name you want and select it.

6.3.3    To link to a page on the World Wide Web, insert its full URL beginning with http:// into the link box in the Properties inspector.

6.4     Preview,  upload and check your work.

6.4.1    Preview what your page looks like on the Web: Go to "File>Preview in Browser"  or strike the F12 key.

6.4.2    Upload your page to the class working website on the CLA server by clicking the up arrow at the top of the page and selecting "Put."  When asked whether to include dependent files, click "no."   IMPORTANT: Another way to upload is to go to the Site Files, which is reached through the "Window" pulldown menu or by clicking alt +F8key [F8key only on Mac].  The right  side of this map shows you the "local" files in Hagrid: Stuff; the left side shows you the "remote" files in the CLA Server.  Select the file or folder you want to upload on the right local side and click the up arrow at the top of the window, and the upload proceeds. If asked for a password, enter the CLA Server password, jr3sxv

6.4.3    Check your page on the World Wide Web at the class working website-- http://cla.calpoly.edu/polyland/[places or topics subfolder]/Your category folder, e.g.agriculture/Yourworkgroupfolder e.g. Hum330a/yourfilename.html

6.4.4    This class working website is not available to the general public. To see it enter the login name "pland" and the password "testit."

7. Concluding a session

7.2 In Dreamweaver, go to Site, then Manage Sites, then "Remove." Logoff the computer you are working on to make sure you have logged off both the CLA server and Hagrid.