1. Class 1 January 8
    1. Bookmark OED, Luminarium, Bible Browser, Search Shakespearey
  2. Course Outline
    1. Last printout
    2. Use web
    3. Give me any email address not calpoly.edu
    4. Go over course schedule on website
    5. What is the subject--
      1. Great Works, How to Read, the Cultural History of the Period 1500-1670--
      2. Periodization--like Youth, Adolescence and Age
      3. Renaissance/Early Modern: Reformation to Restoration; Italian vs. English Renaissance. After the Middle Ages. Before the Middle Modern Period.
      4. Monolithic structure of Church/State gives way to nationalism, individualism and capitalism. Empiricism, exploration and science. Voyaging.
      5. At the same time religion is still central issue of public and private life--the Bible is most prominent book and influence on politics and literature
    6. Books and texts
      1. Longman anthology--must bring to class
        1. Overview, Encyclopedia, introductions--
      2. supplemented by two major works not given enough emphasis
        1. Bible--ways we will understand the bible: ways Renaisance read it
        2. Tempest
        3. My book on same
    7. Workload and grading
      1. Get familiar with course outline and website
      2. Quizzes come after two big readings closely related to each other--Bible and PL
      3. Midterm and final will also have considerable amounts of identification and short answer check-ups on reading
      4. Hard reading, active and interactive reading--first time not reading in translation, though our first reading is modrn translation
      5. Two papers will be on synthetic topics and specified format
      6. Creative project
        1. In-class scene--casting for first one is next class--sample scenes from 339 website
        2. or writing, art, website, music performance, or another dramatic scene--show; single or group
      7. Trip to the Getty: ten dollars; Friday Feb 9