English 339Winter 1999--End Quarter Business
Paper #5, on The Winter's Tale, is due in my mailbox in the English office (47-32) no later than noon Monday March 15.
At this time also hand in a clean copy of what you consider the best paper you've written for the course. (This could be a second copy of your paper #5) It must be one page only, clearly legible, have your name at the top, and sport a snappy, informative title. Affix one dollar to this paper to defray duplication costs. Your bound edition of the class anthology, entitled Shakespeare Boiled Down, including your own paper, will be distributed at the final exam.
Some possible topics, additional to those in the syllabus, for Paper #5 on The Winter's Tale:
8. A favorite short passage as an index of larger meanings:
"Your actions are my dreams." 3.2.80
"We are blessed in this man as I may say even blessed" 4.4.835
"What I was I am" 4.4.468
"When you do dance I wish you/ a wave o' the sea 4.4.140
"This affliction has a taste as sweet/ as any cordial comfort." 5.3.76
"Oh, she's warm." 5.3.109
The final exam will be held at scheduled times only:
Section 3--Thursday March 18 1:10-3:00
Section 4--Thursday March 18 4:10-6:00
The exam will consist of two parts:
Part I will contain a quotation from each of the five plays studied this quarter. You will be asked to comment on each in terms of:
a) movement of the plot
b) character revelation
c) theme
d) emotional effect on the viewer or reader
e) tricks of language and imagery
Example: I Henry IV (3.2, 129 ff.)
Prince: I will redeem all this on Percy's head
And in the closing of some glorious day,
Be bold to tell you that I am your son,
When I will wear a garment all of blood,
And stain my favors in a bloody mask
Which washed away, shall scour my shame with it.
...For the time will come
That I shall make this northern youth exchange
His glorious deeds for my indiginities...
And I will call him to so strict account
That he shall render every glory up...
Or I will tear the reckoning from his heart.
Part II consists of a one hour essay covering four of the five plays studied. You will have the opportunity to to select one of three topics. Listed below are sample topics, one or more of which may be included in the three you select from. This essay question also counts for GWR credit.
1. Making and unfolding error (WT 4.1.2) as theme and structural principle.
2. The love of power and the power of love
3. Theatricality on stage: illusion and deception, representation (mirroring), audience, costume, role-playing, hamming, bad acting, good acting, stepping out of character
4. The conventions of history, comedy and tragedy and tragicomedy
5. Class structure
6. God, gods and the supernatural or superhuman
7. Gender
8. Age