English 380 class 3

  1. 4:25--Marvell
    1. Renaissance--aesthetic and traditional
    2. Pastoral of solitude and retreat--Andrew Marvell in retreat from civil war, like the one going on in Virgil's time 1700 years earlier--Neplatonism
      1. Tetrameter from Marlowe--come live with me
      2. But dense wit--conceit--paradox, stretched logic: "metaphysical"
      3. Pastoral oppositions or polarities
      4. Garden as Edenic--reference to biblical story--Milton's description of the Garden in book 4 of Paradise Lost--cultivated nature, intended for aesthetic effects and moods--stage setting; English garden architecture to imitate nature, contrary to French
      5. Vanity of effort--vs otium--negotium--leisure/repose against labor--relax in the garden
      6. Crown vs. garland
      7. Society as rude--world of plants--dendro eroticism
      8. Stanza 3: Red and white vs. green
      9. Stanza 4: The Gods prefer green things
      10. Stanza 5: Fall on grass--sensual pleasure
      11. Stanza 6: Mind goes from garden to its own richness--withdraws into its happiness--Buddha under the tree--
        1. Annihilating all that's made to a green thought in a green shade
      12. Stanza 7: While body remains below, soul rises into the tree
      13. Stanza 8: Better to be alone than have a mate--rewriting the Eden story
  2. 4:40--5:00 Schubert--German Romanticism--Greens; Wanderung; Lieder; Werther--reaction to industrialism and enlightenment rationalism
    1. Shubert: 1797-1828--died young
      1. Outbreak of venereal disease as he composed these songs--1823; knew he was doomed by love
        1. Sick Rose, invisible worm that flies in the night--
        2. same thing got Beethoven
      2. Master of melody--Ave Maria, echo in Der Neugierige--the curious one
    2. Structure of cycle
      1. 20 songs--divided in middle--like Werther into Book 1 and 2--Innocence and Experience--our selection is to Mein--happy climax, skips to 15, the hunter--the triumphant rival, but doomed from the start and redeemed at the end
      2. tells simple story--wandering, falling in love, anxious but eagerly convincing himself that she's his; disillusionment and rival, despair, death and resurrection
      3. brook flows through it
      4. each song belongs to a certain genre--wandersong; hunting song, lullabymany are prayers
    3. Songs
      1. Wandern
        1. Love to go a wandering; become a folksong
        2. April--Chaucer--nature and humanity; flowing water; restlessness and pilgrimages; sehnsucht, Fernweh and Heimweh
        3. Striding rhythm, ceaseless motion; jaunty offbeat; athletic energy; revving up, not yet going
      2. Wohin
        1. Siren song
        2. Going downward; dreamlike fluidity; depths below human speech
        3. Berauscht=intoxicated
        4. Poem flows down like cascade: und immer und immer
        5. Go down with staff
        6. Nixies as Rhine Maidens--erotic allure; with staff
        7. Temptation--stay or go
      3. Halt
        1. Sense of destiny; drawn here-traulich--trustworthy; pilgrimage; excitement and discovery; falling in love with the place before even seeing the girl
        2. War es gemeint?
      4. Dankesgesang
        1. Thanksgiving hymn--destination reached; talking himself into it
        2. Total fulfillment
      5. Der Neugierige
        1. Loves me loves me not--Symmetry
        2. Too shy to ask : Not gardener or astronomer--dont know much bout history
        3. Does ask stream--O Bachlein meiner liebe--why so quiet--just one word
        4. Two little words--three little words--ein schliessen--
        5. secrecy and intimacy
      6. Ungeduld
        1. Opposite of shyness--ardent; strewing seed; passion
        2. Heissen drang--Ewig dein; throwing himself on her and everywhere
        3. Orgasmic thrust--hammering siege
        4. All subjeunctive, except her response
      7. Tranenenregen--Swanee river
        1. Ironic ending, passed by hope
  3. Break
  4. 5:10--5:30 Wordsworth
    1. 1798--Nature poetry: Romantics; Coleridge, Keats, Shelley, Landor--the Lake country; walking and wandering
    2. Expostulation and Reply--pastoral debate--nymph and shepherd--what's issue
      1. Study vs. sitting and waiting--are you first born or not/ things of itself will come/dream--cf. Marvell
      2. Sages vs. Nature--polarities
      3. Meddling intellect; murder to dissect
      4. Enough of science and art--barren leaves--watch and receive
    3. Tintern Abbey
      1. Symphonic--long sentence; the big river flowing--Miltoniic voice
      2. Walking tour
      3. Diary entry
      4. Water again
      5. Landscape and memory--prospect and then internalized
      6. Opposition to towns and cities
      7. The blessed mood--the burden of the mystery
      8. Nostalgia and projection
      9. Infant feeling--aching joy, dizzy raptures, loss
      10. Mature perspective; coming to terms with adulthood
        1. Still sad music
        2. Motion and spiri
      11. Romantics are peter pans--dont grow up
      12. Nature the guardian--eye and ear: nature and language of the sense anchor of purest thoughts
      13. That which we behold is full of blesings
      14. Back to sister
    4. Intimations of Immortality
      1. Neoplatonism
      2. Growth as negative--vii: stages of Life
      3. Youth against age
  5. 5:30--5:40 Clare--which liked better?
    1. tetrameter--seasonal progression--cf. Buell
    2. personification
    3. the inventory--listing of pleasures and sensations and things
    4. overall structure: temporal=nature
  6. 5:40--5:55 Emerson--transcendentalism 1836--criticism
    1. Introduc
      1. Rejecting books and tradittion--see Wdsth--newness; renewal
      2. To what end is nature?--cf. Bible
      3. What is nature--the not me--not man, not the soul
    2. ch. 1
      1. more on solitude
      2. nature never makes a mean appearance
      3. reading the landscape
      4. spirit of infancy
      5. occult relation between man and the vegetable [Marvell]
    3. ch. 3--Beauty
      1. the beauty of nature--the eye painting the picture--recurrent natural forms
      2. sunrise--reading and writing the landscape
      3. the afternooon
      4. dead things
      5. changes
      6. this is the least part
      7. then the spiritual element--backdrop for human deeds of heroism {?}
      8. the intellectual elemnt
      9. the inspiration and stimulus for creating art
  7. Looking to Friday--Poly Canyon--exploration? Maps? Website?