ECOLIT: Reading and Writing the Landscape

English 380-70/HNRS X380-70

Where is the literature which gives expression to Nature? He would be a poet who could impress the winds and streams into his service, to speak for him ...whose words were so true, and fresh, and natural that they would appear to expand like the buds at the approach of spring, though they lay half smothered between two musty leaves in a library... . (Henry David Thoreau)

Room: 14-253
Instructor: Steven Marx
phone: 756-2411
Office: 47-25E (Faculty Office Building)
Office hours: TR 2:10-4:00

Spring 2007 Schedule

Week Date Topic Primary Texts
[required and due; please print and bring to class]

Secondary Texts and other Resources

[dates assigned and due]
Landscape Natural History Topics 
I 4/3

The Ancient Pastoral Tradition and its descendants

Canned Heat

Snapshots from the end of the Road

"Arcadia Redux"


Bible, Genesis 1
Song of Songs

Ovid, The golden Age[pdf]

Cal Poly Land: A Field Guide, preface, introduction, Places, The Arts chapters


Instructor's Nature writing

Introduction to Ecocriticism

Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment[ASLE]

Ecolit Journal 2001

Ecolit Journal 2003

Ecolit Journal 2004

OED--find any word

Get class email

Start Ecolog

sample journal entries


  Cal Poly Land



Meet at mouth of Poly Canyon

Virgil, Georgics[pdf]

Selection from the Book of Job

notes on Georgics   Poly Canyon and Poly Mountain Read Cal Poly Land: A Field Guide, pp. iii-47
II 4/10

Renaissance Pastoral

Invitation songs

Marlowe, "The Passionate Shepherd",
Ralegh, "The Nymph's Reply"
Shakespeare, Duke Senior's speech
John Milton, The Creation, from Paradise Lost 7. 210-534
Andrew Marvell, "The Garden"

"The Shepherd's Philosophy"


reading quiz



Romanticism and Nature 

Schubert, Die Schoene Muellerin

Paintings by Constable and Bierstadt


Wordsworth , selected poems[pdf]

Thoreau, "Walking" abridged[pdf]

"Walking" highlighted

Explore Thoreau website and links, especially, "Walden Express"



Ecocrit Paper assigned


III 4/17

Thoreau at Walden

Walden pilgrimage

Thoreau: Walden




signup for conference

  Study of The Environmental Imagination by Laurence Buell


lecture notes

"The Ponds," "Spring"

Cal Poly Land: "A Field Guide" 61-103 (Vegetation)

reading notes

conference schedule


reading quiz Class meets at Cal Poly Arboretum  
IV 4/24

John Muir in the Sierras

reading exercise

John Muir: The Mountains of California
Chapter 1 [pdf]
Chapter 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 13 [pdf]

Explore John Muir Exhibit website



  4/26 John Muir outdoors Geology and Climate Chapters in Field Guide  

Hike to Rockslide Ridge.



V 5/1 class cancelled because of illness          

Mary Austin, The Land of Little Rain

GWR in class

lecture notes

First Draft of Final Essay assigned

Ecocritical Essaydue

  2007 sample journal entries
VI 5/8   Mary Austin, The Land of Little Rain

Austin exercise

Ceriso numbered

  5/10 Berry in Kentucky

Wendell Berry Selected readings

VII 5/15


Map of Farm Hike; Meet at Crops Unit at 4:10 p.m.


Agriculture and Stewardship chapters in Field Guide

  5/17 Aldo Leopold Sand County Almanac, "The Almanac," xvii-98; "The Land Ethic" 237-264 reading notes reading quiz    
VIII 5/22 Aldo Leopold     Personal essay --first draft due    

Gary Snyder


poems by Gary Snyder     hike to Poly Mountain oak grove--wear shoes and long pants, bring water, readings, journal, meet in front of Cerro Vista Residence  
IX 5/29

Mary Oliver


poems by Mary Oliver        
  5/31 Mary Oliver      

excursion to Cheda Ranch

meet at parking area under the railroad trestle at Stenner Creek Road

X 6/5

Andy Goldsworthy,Rivers and Tides

Film and Discussion   Journal submission 2 due    

Meet at Instructor's house: 265 Albert Drive
Exam Prep

Excerpts from The Wild Braid by Stanley Kunitz   Personal essay --final draft due Sample Ecolit Essays  
Final Exam 

6/14 7:10 p.m.






This is a course about nature writing or ecoliterature, an ancient literary genre that has achieved new prominence among critics, teachers, writers and readers. The course balances humanities and science, art and nature, reading and writing, talking and walking.

Subject matter includes great works of environmental literature and their traditions, the geography and ecology of Cal Poly's ten thousand acres, and practical methods of observation and expression.


Texts include primary and secondary works of Ecoliterature as well as sections of the Cal Poly Land Website on the natural history of this place. Required texts include: 1) Cal Poly Land: A Field Guide (available only at El Corral Bookstore) 2)Thoreau Walden, 3)Mary Austin, The Land of Little Rain, 4)Aldo Leopold, Sand County Almanac (the last three available at Aida's), and several texts to be downloaded and printed from this website and kept in a binder.

Helpful suggestions for reading large documents online

Workload and Grading

Writing assignments include weblogs, including copy and imitation of a primary text, a critical analysis of nature writing and one personal ecoliterary essay.

Assignment percent of grade # words
Journal [at least two entries per week, weeks II-IX] 25 2400
Reading quizzes 15 250
Ecocritical essay 15 750
Personal essay: final draft 25 1250
Final Exam 20 500

Graduate Writing Requirement (GWR)


  • Late papers are penalized one full grade for each class session's delay unless a postponement is granted by the instructor in advance.
  • Attendance is not optional. Each unexcused absence beyond two lowers the grade by one half letter; seven or more unexcused absences result in no credit. Three unexcused latenesses count for one absence. Certified medical absences or job interviews are not counted in these totals and are the only reason for makeups .
  • Deliberate plagiarism or other forms of cheating result in a failing grade and referral to the dean. Students are responsible for understanding the definition of plagiarism. Please consult the instructor if this linked page on the subject doesn't make it clear to you.