English 346--Ethnic American Literature--Fall 1999[updated11/29/99]
Section 06 [engl346-06]: MW 2:10-4:00 in 22-315Instructor: Steven Marx[http://www.multimedia.calpoly.edu/libarts/smarx]smarx@calpoly.eduOffice hours: MTWR 4:10-5:00FOB 25E, 756-2411This course centers around five books by writers who have been classified as "Ethnic": Jewish-American, African-American, Asian-American, Latino-American and Native-American. Each book has been celebrated as a literary work and as a window into and out its subculture.
Two weeks of class will be devoted to each book and ethnicity. Class activities will include lecture, discussion, film clips, songs, and student group and individual presentations. Assignments in this course ask students to read actively, to reflect on their own experience in light of their reading, and to create essays and projects as fruit of their reading and reflection. Fall 1999 Schedule
*All films listed are available on reserve in the Learning Resources Center of Kennedy Library. Students will produce one assignment for each work read. Three of these assignments are critical papers--each between 250 and 1000 words formatted on a single page. Topics are up to students. Some sample approaches include: the language of a particular passage; a character or a relationship and how they change; the relation between sections of a book or books; a comparison between parts of a book and a film; research on the historical context of a section of a book; an argument with a character or the author over a clearly defined issue raised in the book. [See "A Paradigm for Literary Analysis" and "Dr. Marx's Special Formula" ] One assignment is a two page autobiographical essay connecting a passage or incident in one of the books to specific experiences of the student. Another assignment is a creative project in any medium--writing, music, food, visual arts, dance, web page, etc.--inspired by the book or its subject matter. Students select which work to link to each assignment. At the end of the first week, students sign up for a date to present one of their assignments--critical paper, autobiographical essay or creative project--to the class. Those who sign up for the same date will work together to integrate their various presentations into a well planned variety show. The total of five assignments counts for 60% of the final grade. A midterm and a final exam each provide GWR credit and count 20% of the grade. Late assignments are penalized one full grade for each class session's delay unless a postponement is granted by the instructor in advance. Occasional unannounced quizzes will insure that readings are completed on time. Each failed pop quiz lowers grade by one half letter. Four unexcused absences lower the grade by one half letter; seven unexcused absences result in no credit. Three unexcused latenesses count for one absence. Certified medical absences are not counted in these totals and are the only reason for makeup exams or quizzes. Deliberate plagiarism or other forms of cheating result in a failing grade and referral to the dean. Students are responsible for understanding the definition of plagiarism. Please consult the instructor if the page on Documentation and Plagiarism doesn't make it clear. |